Healthy Snack Recipe


I’m all about keeping my healthy eating simple and cheap. I work full time, have three kids, have a husband, and just finished my degree so my schedule is usually pretty full. I need food that is healthy, tastes good, is quick, and has as few ingredients as possible. So when I came across this snack idea in a meal plan I mentioned I tried a few weeks ago, I was excited to try it. It only has three simple ingredients and tastes great. All you need is a small-medium apple, a dash of cinnamon, and some almond butter. You can use cashew or peanut butter if you prefer but make sure it’s natural. If it’s not natural then it’s probably loaded with added sugars and preservatives and that means more calories and less protein. Anyway, slice your apple, scoop out 2-3 teaspoons of almond butter and mix a dash of cinnamon with the almond butter. Dip your apple slices in the almond butter and enjoy. The calorie count should be around 150 depending on how much almond butter you use. If you need more calories then use more almond butter. This combination of protein and carbs/sugars is perfect for your metabolism/digestion. For a breakdown on this science see my earlier post titled “Is Eating Breakfast Really That Important?” Hope you guys enjoyed this quick and delicious snack recipe. Leave a comment below and let me know what quick and economical snacks you are enjoying.

Sample Meal/Recipe

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Okay so yesterday I told you about making your own healthy meal plan so that you can stick to it, making it a lifestyle and not a diet. I decided to share with you  one of the meals I am currently eating this week. Please ignore the fact that my plate is not elegantly set up; I’m not a chef and I had started eating before  I thought about taking a pic, so it’s a little messy :). Also the lighting is kind of bad, but you get the gist of it. Anyway, this meal has only three simple ingredients and is ready in 5-8 minutes. There’s no prep and the meals comes in at about 300 calories. All you need is some frozen spinach, a can of diced tomatoes, and tilapia. Since I got frozen spinach there was no need to add calories by having to saute it in olive oil; the water from the spinach was enough, but you may have to add a little more water depending on your taste. I buy the diced tomatoes with garlic, oregano, etc. already in it that way I get extra flavor without having to buy those extra ingredients. You will saute the spinach in olive oil/water for a few minutes, then add the tomatoes (do not drain the tomatoes; this is extra water you can use so you don’t have to add too much olive oil). After you have thoroughly combined the tomatoes and spinach lay your seasoned tilapia on top of the mixture. Cover and let simmer, turning the fish over after a few minutes if you desire. Let this simmer for a few minutes until your fish is done and flakes. This is a really flavorful meal and has very few calories. It’s also very quick and versatile. For example, you can substitute the tilapia for any fish you like or if you are looking to add calories to your diet put this over some brown rice. Try it out and let me know what you think.


Crohn’s, Food, Exercise, Etc.

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I haven’t posted in a few days….haven’t really felt that motivated to talk about health or much of anything. As a matter of fact, I haven’t really felt motivated to do much of anything, including exercise. The weather has been awful here in Alabama, and when I say it has rained EVERYDAY for the past MONTH I am not exaggerating. Because of the rain I haven’t been able to go outside and run, which is my favorite exercise. Normally, when I can’t go outside I will do an exercise dvd on the inside, but the weather is so gloomy it only makes me want to sleep or sit on the couch and surf the channels on T.V.  In the beginning I managed to push through this gloominess, but this week has gotten the better of me. So far every afternoon I’ve opted to take a nap or lounge on the couch instead of my normal exercise session. On top of that all the lounging and television are making me want to eat more and more of fatty and unhealthy foods might I add. Of course that plan of action is not good for my Crohn’s. Unhealthy food + no exercise = very angry Crohny stomach. To make matters worse I had an intense craving for some red hots. I haven’t had any in a year and a half for the obvious reason that they upset my stomach very badly. Nevertheless, I felt I should give in to this temptation since I was already off the bandwagon. At the same time I also decided to start back taking iron pills which have given me problems in the past. HUGE MISTAKE!! I’ve spent the last few days in serious stomach pain and suffered some other woes too personal to mention. Those of you with Crohn’s understand. If any stupid doctor (like mine) ever tells you, “You should be able to eat what you want. Food does not affect your Crohn’s.” They are LYING as I’m sure every person with Crohn’s has experienced. I was all too happy to go back to eating healthy today, and I will be getting in some exercise at bible class tonight. I’m going to try to take an iron pill every other day instead of every day and see if my stomach can tolerate that without the excruciating cramps. Has anyone else had stomach pain or other complications from taking iron pills? I’ve tried taking them with and without food and it doesn’t help either way so I’d love to hear your experience with them. Anyway, back to being healthy and fit for me. I can sure tell the difference when I’m not. I challenge you to exercise and eat healthy for a week and see if you notice the difference in how  you feel. I guarantee you will. Oh yeah, I’m also contemplating getting Lasik surgery on my eyes and have the pre-screening appointment tomorrow. I would love to hear if any of you have any experience or advice on the subject! Until then, live life like you mean it!